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Medical Non Emergency Transport (MNET) Bookings

The MNET service is a transport service that supports those people with medical needs who need to travel for health care. It's not an emergency transport service. If you need to know the best place to go with a medical condition or problem please call NHS111 or go to


Patient transport services in the Vale of York have traditionally been part of a much larger North Yorkshire-wide contract with YAS, which made it difficult to tailor services to the needs of our local population.

The service was also geared around an old-fashioned health service and didn’t support seven-day working, early morning or evening journeys, or a good same-day booking system.

Frail or elderly patients often faced discharge delays, while the service wasn't suitable for those people with early-morning pre-assessment visits. Generally, the service created a lot of inefficiencies in the system.

What have we done to improve the service?

In order to provide the best possible service, the CCGs asked patients and members of the public what type of service they require; asked hospital and healthcare staff what the service should look like; and consulted other organisations to determine what the best systems can do now.

Read our you said, we did document for more information.

Read our engagement report following our consultation.

From this consultation, the CCGs designed the new MNET service that will better support people to travel home from hospital, will ensure shorter waiting times for regular users, and will check that all people accessing this service meet the criteria for NHS funded transport, as established by the Department of Health.

As part of our commitment to provide the best quality transport service for patients, YAS is making changes to the way the transport service is booked and allocated. This includes checking new and existing users against a fresh set of questions designed to show if patients are eligible for NHS funded transport to and from their healthcare appointments or to take them home from hospital. 

Our MNET FAQ document explains more and should answer any questions you might have.

How do I arrange an MNET booking

When travelling to your appointment, please first consider using local buses and taxis. If you are unable to use these due to medical reasons please contact the MNET team on 0300 330 2000 or visit the YAS website

You will be asked questions to determine your eligibility and will need your appointment details. If you are not eligible there are alternative services available, including voluntary sector solutions.

What happens if I'm not eligible?

For those who do not meet the criteria, there are lots of transport options available to ensure that you can attend your hospital appointment. More information about these alternative transport services can be found here

Further reading

YAS website

The NHS Website – transport information

Healthcare Travel Costs Scheme (HTCS)

Public transport in North Yorkshire (North Yorkshire County Council website)

Public transport in East Yorkshire (East Riding of Yorkshire Council website)

i-Travel York

First York

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