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We are now part of the Humber and North Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership. Click here for more info.

Latest Updates

June 24
Changes to Alcohol and Drug Service
Safeguarding Key Messages - June 2024

May 24
Was Not Brought Children and Young People Guidance Polic
Was Not Brought Adult Guidance Policy
GP Safeguarding Standards for Adults and Children
Children and Adults Safeguarding Level 3 Hot Topics Training for Primary Care 2024/25
Safeguarding Adults Level 3 Initial Training for Primary Care 2024/25
Safeguarding Child Protection Level 3 Initial Training for Primary Care 2024/25
Administration Staff Safeguarding Training (19th September 2024)
General Practice Nurse Safeguarding Training (10th October 2024)
Menopause Information for People with Learning Disabilities

April 24
MSK exclusion critieria
Breast Lumps - republished Apr 24
Night sweats 
Iron deficiency 

March 24
Neurology Referral Guidance
Algorithm for the Treatment of Type 2 Diabetes
Diabetes Dietetic FAQs to aid primary care clinicians

February 24
Unfortunately, ICB policy and pathway reviews have been delayed due to staff sickness and recruitment gaps but the ICB are hoping this situation will be resolved soon. Certain guidelines have been unpublished to ensure safety at the request of the ICB Clinical Leadership team.
Update: Following an interim review, several guidelines have now been republished.

NEW NHS Autism and ADHD service referral form for Meds review (2023)
Emergency Eye Referrals to Hospital 

January 24
Yorkshire Health Solutions Services

December 23
DoS Information for Health and Care Professionals
DoS Information for the public
Looking after you and your family this winter - leaflet
British Medical Ultrasound Society (BMUS) Guidance – May 2022
Telephone Advice for Urgent Admission Avoidance (Diabetes)
Care Providers
Shared Decision Making - Decision Support Tools

November 23
Gateway guide for cardiology pathways for primary care admin teams - document reviewed Nov 23

Maternity – Local Engagement YSTHFT
National Health and Wellbeing Offer for Maternity Services
Health and Wellbeing Maternity Visit - June 2023
Supporting our NHS people - June 2023
NHS Autism and ADHD expedite referral form
NHS Autism and ADHD direct referral form 

October 23
DOAC Clinical Decision Making Tool July 22 v1
Guidance on switching from warfarin to DOACs
Primary Care Networks and York Drug and Alcohol Service Standard Operating Protocol
Vasectomy wait times (Haxby Group Practice and Marie Stopes)
Opioid Tapering for Chronic Non Cancer pain
Acute Radicular Pathway
Chronic Radicular Pathway
North Yorkshire and York Adult Autism and ADHD Assessment and Diagnostic Service - Letter to GP Practices (September 2023)
Continuous Glucose Monitoring
Humber and North Yorkshire Adult Asthma Guideline 2023
Humber and North Yorkshire Children and Young People 6-11 years Asthma Guideline 2023
Humber and North Yorkshire Children and Young People 12-17 years Asthma Guideline 2023

September 23
Waiting well patient leaflet

August 2023
Bladder and Bowel referral form

July 2023 
York Drug & Alcohol Services‍ | Changing Lives ( online referral form
Heart Failure MDT template
July 2023 update - adult Autism and ADHD assessment
Stop Smoking CYC referral form
Algorithm for the Treatment of Type 2 Diabetes
NY Antimicrobial Guidance*

June 2023

COPD Rescue Pack Information
COPD Rescue Pack Patient Leaflet
Frailty Clinic Referral Information

May 2023
Erectile Dysfunction (amendment to investigation section)
Frailty Clinic Referral Information
Safeguarding Adult Policy

April 2023
Familial Hypercholesterolaemia (updated Apr 23) - only available via a HSCN connection
Safeguarding Children Policy
Children's Safeguarding Team
Adult's Safeguarding Team

March 2023
NY&Y Adult Autism and ADHD
NEW NHS Autism and ADHD assessment service referral form (2023)
NEW NHS Autism and ADHD service referral form for Meds review (2023)
NEW NY&Y Adult Autism and ADHD assessment and diagnostic service
Do-it Profiler for Primary Care referrers (HSCN only)

February 23
Slimming World referral 
Familial Hypercholesterolaemia
NEW Diabetes referral form

January 23
NY&Y Lipid Pathway

CYP Bladder and Bowel Workshop  
Bladder and Bowel Pathway
Bladder and Bowel workshop leaflet  
Bladder and Bowel referral form   

Safeguarding Adults Contact List
Safeguarding Children Contact List

Using FIT in Suspected Colorectal Cancer
Guidance Notes
HNY Flow Diagram

December 22
New Public Health Gambling resource page
Survive – Self Referral to Support for Adults in NY&Y who have experienced sexual trauma
District Nurse Contact Details

November 22

Asthma Management Plans

District Nurse Contact Details

York Public Health Stakeholder Survey

October 22
Gout - minor amendment

September 22
Syncope clinic - live from Sept 22
Eye witness form for an episode of syncope

August 22
Changing Habits - Leaflet for Patients
Changing Habits - Poster for Patients 

July 22
Acute Motor Loss Pathway

June 22
Healthwise Referral Form/Criteria
Referring To Ophthalmic Emergency Triage Service
Safeguarding Key Messages - June 2022 
SEND Outcomes - Framework Factsheet
SEND Outcomes - Framework Poster
SEND Outcomes - Newsletter Contribution
Prescribing - Amber Drugs Near Patient Testing
Community - Wheelchair Referral Information - May 2022

May 22
Breast - Nipple Discharge
Paeds - Gastro-Oesophageal - Healthcare Professional Guidelines
Breast - Mastalgia
Community Eyecare Service leaflet - Primary Care Service (PES)
Community Eyecare Service changes - notification for stakeholders
Community Eyecare Service Summary
Community Equipment and Eligibility 
Community Equipment Activity Speeds Newsletter 
Primary Care Safeguarding Child Protection Level 3 Initial Training 2022-2023
Primary Care Safeguarding Adults Level 3 Initial Training 2022 - 2023
Breast - Hormonal Medication in Patients with History of Breast Cancer or High Risk of Breast Cancer
Breast - Nipple Discharge
Paeds - Ear Infection (otitis media) - Healthcare Professional Pathway
Paeds - Chest Infection (CAP) Healthcare Professional Pathway
Paeds - Fever - Healthcare Professional Guidelines
Paeds - How To Take a Urine Sample - Patient Information
Paeds - UTI - Patient Information
Paeds - Sore Throat - Patient Information 

April 22
Alcohol and Drugs - including York Family Support Services 
Children's Safeguarding Team - contact list 
Constipation - parent leaflet - Patient Information
Chest Infection (PAEDS) - Healthcare Professional Pathway
Ear Infection Pathway (PAEDS) - Healthcare Professional Pathway
Gastro-Oesophageal Reflux in children - Healthcare Professional Guidelines
Constipation in children - Healthcare Professional Guidelines
Chronic Asthma in children - Healthcare Professional Guidelines
Otitis Media (middle ear infection) - Healthcare Professional Guidelines
Minor Skin Surgery for Skin Lesions 
Community Acquired Pneumonia (CAP) - Healthcare Professional Guidelines
Lipoma and Sarcoma Management
Asthma - Chronic - Healthcare Professional Diagnostic Pathways
Asthma - Chronic - Asthma Control Test: 12yr+
Asthma - Chronic - Asthma Control Test: 4-11yr
Asthma - Chronic - Healthcare Professional Treatment Pathways
Asthma - Chronic - Risk Stratification
Asthma - Chronic - Formulary for Inhaler Preparations Containing corticosteroids
Recurrent Abdominal Pain - Parent Information
Febrile Seizures - Patient Information
Acne Vulgaris
Guidelines for recognition and management of non-IgE cows milk allergy in children
Quick Reference Guide - Recognition and management of non-IgE cows milk allergy in children 

March 22
Female Urinary Incontinence
Sore Throat Pathway Summary 
Parent Information on Sore Throat 
Sore Throat - Healthcare Professional Guidelines
UTI Pathways - Patient Information on UTI and Dehydration (North Yorks & York Community IPC Team) 
UTI Pathways - Primary Care Guidance on Diagnosis and Management of UTI (North Yorks & York Community IPC Team) 
UTI Pathways - Are you drinking enough? Urine colour hydration assessment poster (North Yorks & York Community IPC Team)
Nocturnal Enuresis - Health Professional Guidelines
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Left Ventricular Systolic Dysfunction Medicines Management Pathway
Parent Information on Sore Throat 
Parent Information on Ear Infections
Parent Information on Nocturnal Enuresis
Parent Information on Constipation in Children

February 22
Parent Information on Chest Infections (Jan 22)
Mental Health Learning Difficulties page refresh
Primary Care Domestic Abuse Policy v1 - Jan 22 FINAL 
CAT Hub: GP Poster
Clinicians: CAT Hub Details and Patient Eligibility Criteria
For Parents and Carers: CAT Hub Location Details and Other Information
Test and Trace Scenarios for GP Practices with flow charts and actions V2.8 09 02 22 VOYCCG
Safeguarding Children Contact List 
Safeguarding Adults Contact List
Menopause (Oct 2021) 
Tinnitus (Jan 2022) 
Healthcare Professional Acute Asthma Guidelines (Feb 2022)

January 22
National Lipid Pathway (December 2021)
Weight Management Options Map - York
Weight Management Options Map - North Yorkshire
Weight Management Options Map - East Riding 
Clinicians: PATH Clinic Details and Patient Eligibility Criteria
GP Poster (CAT)
For Parents and Carers: PATH Clinic Location Details and Other Information (CAT)
SC and Adult Training Guidance Primary Care V2 Nov21
Hyperuricaemia in patients with Stage 3 to 5 CKD FINAL Jan 22
Changing Habits - Leaflet for Patient
Changing Habits - Poster for Primary Care Staff
Changing Habits Referral Form
Test and Trace scenarios for GP practices with flowcharts and actions v2.7 17 01 22 NYCCG
Test and Trace scenarios for GP practices with flowcharts and actions v2.7 17 01 22 VoYCCG
Admin Staff Safeguarding Training
Rapid Diagnostic Centre - Primary Care Guidance
Rapid Diagnostic Centre - process screenshots (now includes FIT Jan 2022)
FEVER Pathway for Clinicians
FEVER Parent Leaflet
FEVER Guidelines - Jan 22

December 21
National Lipid Pathway - Dec 2021
Safeguarding Key Messages - December 2021
Minor Eye Conditions Service (list of participating opticians)
Testosterone for Low Libido in Menopausal and Post-Menopausal Women
Patient Leaflet - Tostran
For Parents and Carers: PATH Clinic Location Details and Other Information
Clinicians: PATH Clinic Details and Patient Eligibility Criteria
PATH GP Poster
UTI Infections in Children - Health Professional Guidelines
The North Yorkshire Adult Autism and Adult ADHD Service Referral Form
Primary Care HRT Guidelines
Jan-Mar 2021/2022 Safeguarding Training 
NY&Y Lipid Pathway
Statin Intolerance Pathway
Croup Healthcare Professional Guidelines
Croup Patient Information
Clinicians: PATH Clinic Details and Patient Eligibility Criteria
Erectile Dysfunction

November 21
Childhood Squint
Management of Raised PSA in Suspected or Diagnosed Prostate Cancer (Following Secondary Care Review)
Management of Suspected Prostate Cancer in Primary Care (Before Referral for Secondary Care Assessment)
Gastroenteritis Healthcare Professional Guidelines
Gastroenteritis Patient Information
Tier 2 Slimming World Referral
Tier 2 Slimming World Referral Email
Pre-school wheeze Healthcare Professional Guidelines
Pre-school wheeze Patient Information
York CAMHS new location & contact details
Suppository leaflet for parents
Bronchiolitis Healthcare Professional Pathway
Croup Healthcare Professional Pathway
Preschool Wheeze Healthcare Professional Pathway
UTI in children Health Professional Guidelines
UTI in children Health Professional Pathway
UTI in children Patient Information
Gastroenteritis Healthcare Professional Pathway
Gastroenteritis Patient Information
UK Resettlement Referral (including Afghan resettlement)
Diabetes Care in Last Days of Life - Management Algorithm
NYCC Health and Wellbeing
NYCC Living Well - reducing loneliness and isolation
MSI EMIS Referral form (Marie Stopes Vasectomy)
Printer Settings for Poor Label Quality
Intermenstrual Bleeding
Cervical Polyps
Female Urinary Incontinence

October 21
Pregnancy Advisory Service
Paediatrics – all Paediatric Ambulatory Treatment Hub guidance, including: 
Pre-school Wheeze

September 21
Nipple Changes, (Disortion or Retraction, Nipple Rash)
Paediatrics – Recurrent Abdominal Pain
Dexa Scans service update

August 21
Home Blood Pressure Monitoring Diary
Breast Implant Complications
Family History of Breast Cancer
Mastitis / Abscess
Paediatrics - Gastroenteritis

July 21
Female Sterilisation
Vulval Disorders

June 21

May 21
Possible Ovarian Cancer
Post-menopausal Bleeding

April 21

March 21

February 21

January 21
Inflammatory Arthritis