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We are now part of the Humber and North Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership. Click here for more info.


To find all YHFT lab results on a patient via SystmOne or EMIS go into the requesting screen in ICE for the patient you are interested in and click on the down facing arrow / triangle at the top left of the screen and chose “Patient report list”. This will show all reports for that patient on ICE and not just the ones requested in primary care. All inpatient and outpatient activity is recorded on ICE making ICE the sole repository for all lab tests. YHFT’s in-house system, CPD only records results ordered within the hospital. Hospital clinicians can see the records on ICE when they log into it. 

Troponin in Primary Care 

Troponin requests on ICE in York, will not routinely be accepted because if a patient may have a raised troponin they should normally be referred that day to the hospital for further assessment and management of acute myocardial damage. Please see these slides for more information.