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Vale of York GP appointed Humber, Coast and Vale Cancer Alliance’s GP Lead

Dr Dan Cottingham, GP Partner at Sherburn Group Practice has been confirmed as the new CRUK GP Lead for Humber, Coast and Vale (HCV) Cancer Alliance.

Dr D CottinghamThe appointment of Dr Cottingham, who is also the Macmillan GP Cancer and End of Life Lead at NHS Vale of York Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) will ensure primary care perspectives remain integral to Cancer Alliance strategic plans and pathway development.

By leading a strong network of primary care clinical leaders from across the Alliance, Dr Cottingham will work collaboratively to support the ambitions of HCV Cancer Alliance, focussing on system wide transformations that improve patient outcomes.

Dr Cottingham said: “I’m thrilled to be working with the Alliance as GP Lead for Cancer within the Humber, Coast and Vale region. For years I’ve been passionate about patient led care and one of the key areas I’d like to drive forwards is ensuring the patient experience of cancer pathways is central to planning and decision-making within the Alliance.”

The Humber, Coast and Vale Cancer Alliance brings together all the organisations the commission and provide cancer services in the Humber, Coast and Vale area, enabling effective and co-ordinated partnership working to improve patient experience.

More about the HCV Cancer Alliance can be found here on the website and in the video below.

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