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Millfield GPs set an example at the local Parkrun event

Millfield Surgery in Easingwold has helped initiate a local Parkrun event to encourage their patients to be more active and improve wellbeing.

Representing Millfield Surgery last weekend at the fourth Millfield Parkrun – as either a volunteer or participant – was GPs Dr Helen Iredale, Dr Dariush Saeedi, and Dr Sarah Watson, retired GP Dr Lorraine Boyd, practice nurse Marianne Doyle, dispenser Louise Clark and the surgery’s Chaplain in residence Rev Elizabeth Cushion – not to mention a husband, children and Titch the dog.

Dr Helen Iredale said: “As a surgery we are proud to have been involved with the setup of a brand new Parkrun in the parkland behind our practice on the edge of Easingwold. The local community has pulled together with support from the local running club to raise the required funds, gain support from local businesses – including ourselves – and of course support from the runners/walkers and volunteers alike who are needed to make a Parkrun successful.”

“We hope to promote participation in the event to our patients who may need encouragement to be more active or who may benefit from the improved wellbeing that can come from exercise and community spirit.”

Parkrun is a worldwide initiative which can be adopted by local communities to organise weekly 5km timed runs which are open to everyone, free, and are safe and easy to take part in.

The Millfield 5km course takes in field, path and woodland every Saturday at 9am with a post Parkrun coffee in the Olive Branch in Easingwold. To register for free or to find more information visit the Parkrun website:

You can stay updated with Millfield Surgery news by following @MillfieldGPs on twitter:

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