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We are now part of the Humber and North Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership. Click here for more info.

A&E Patient Survey

We know that finding the right place to go when you become ill or injured can sometimes be confusing. Please help us to help you get the treatment you need by letting us know about your recent experience at the Accident and Emergency Department (A&E).

Telling us about your visit helps us to look at what changes we can make to improve services so you receive the best treatment in the right place - and help to reduce NHS waiting times.

Completing the survey

If you visited A&E as a parent or carer, please reply on behalf of the patient. If you attended A&E more than once in the last year, please think about your most recent visit when completing this survey. Taking part in this survey is voluntary and anonymous. For each question please tick the box that is closest to your views or closest to your experience.

Survey link: 


Any questions?

If you have any questions about this survey, or would like it in another language, please contact the Communications and Engagement Team

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