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We are now part of the Humber and North Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership. Click here for more info.

Everyone is Welcome in General Practice

We are aware that some people experience barriers when trying to register with a GP. Despite national restrictions put in place as a response to the coronavirus pandemic, it is still important to encourage GP registration within our communities, to ensure that everyone receives care and is prioritised for the COVID-19 vaccine.

GP access cards graphic card

We have recently launched the GP ‘access cards’ campaign. The card, similar in look to a credit card, provides details of how to register and is being distributed by local Healthwatch and voluntary organisations to vulnerable communities who are less likely to be registered with a GP.

To further encourage GP registration, we have produced this ‘Please come and register with your local GP’ poster, to be displayed within acute and community healthcare settings. Please support this campaign by downloading this poster and displaying it within your pharmacy.

Campaign Resources

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