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Chalazion/Meibomian Cyst

Please click here to view the full Chalazion/Meibomian Cyst Commissioning Statement.


A chalazion is a slowly developing lump that forms due to blockage and swelling of an oil gland in the eyelid.

Initial Treatment

Initial treatment should include:

    Referral to secondary care

    NHS Vale of York CCG do not routinely commission the removal of chalazion. ​​​​​

    Cases may be referred for excision, using the referral form, if the following criteria apply:

    If the above criteria are NOT met clinicians can make an application to the independent funding review panel with details on why the patient may fulfil exceptional grounds for funding to be approved.

    To submit an application to the CCG's Individual Funding Request Panel, please click here for further information.

    Summary of Evidence/Rationale

    1. Three studies quoted on BMJ Best practice detail that most chalazion (46%, 58% and 80%) resolve spontaneously over a four week period.
    2. NICE Clinical Knowledge Summary states ‘if the meibomian cyst does not improve or resolve after 4 weeks with conservative treatment offer the following options (depending on clinical judgment and the person's preference):
      a) No treatment — for example, if the meibomian cyst is small and asymptomatic.
      b) Referral to an ophthalmologist’.
    3. Moorfields Eye Hospital information for health professionals says: ‘Unless acutely infected, it is harmless and nearly all resolve if given enough time’
      Chalazia will often disappear without further treatment within a few months and virtually all will re-absorb within two years.
      If conservative therapy fails, chalazia can be treated by surgical incision into the tarsal gland followed by curettage of the retained secretions and inflammatory material under local anesthetic.
    Policy date: September 2016 Next Review date: September 2018
    ©NHS Vale of York Clinical Commissioning Group